Painted by M.P. Manoj, based on the original drawing of Joy Elamkunnapuzha, CMI, the picture above represents Jesus as the true Indian teacher, the Sadguru, who teaches dharma, wisdom, compassion and the unity between humanity and divinity.
In Indian daily life, the life and personality of a Sadguru is marked by tolerance (titiksa), mercy or compassion (karuna), freedom from greed (aparigraha), true friendship with all creatures, doing one’s duty regardless of consequences (samabhava), devotion (bhakti), and mindful concentration on Krishna, the almighty god of Hinduism.
Moreover, the Sadguru is even believed to be an incarnation of god, an Avatara, a god-made-flesh, full of divinity (as marked by the divine halo floating behind his head), who dwells among the people and leads them to the fullness of happiness and to the union with Brahman, the highest realization that humanity is essentially divinity.
On the picture Jesus Christ is depicted as sitting in a Lotus-position, the padma-asana, the meditation position taken by a holy man to mark him/her as a perfect human being who is replete of understanding, wisdom, insight, purity, integrity and love—virtues symbolized by a Lotus flower.
On the picture Jesus Christ is depicted as sitting in a Lotus-position, the padma-asana, the meditation position taken by a holy man to mark him/her as a perfect human being who is replete of understanding, wisdom, insight, purity, integrity and love—virtues symbolized by a Lotus flower.
Pay attention to the position or gesture of all of Jesus’ fingers which is called Mudra! Mudras are a gesture or position, usually of the hands, that locks and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching and touching the fingers and hands, we can talk to the body and mind as each area of the hand reflexes to a certain part of the mind or body.

In short, the position and gesture of Jesus’ fingers represented on the picture above points to the fact that here Jesus Christ is portrayed as a Sadguru who always has receptivity, calmness, wisdom, knowledge, ability and patience.
From the body and concentrated mind of that divine Jesus, flows powerful divine energy, the Chi, that makes a cup of wine with a loaf of Host on it and an oil lamp with its burning bright float in the air.
Conclusively, this Jesus is an Indian magician and an Indian true teacher at the same time.
(Concerning mudras, see http://www.chi-energy-sports.com/chakras.php)
(Concerning mudras, see http://www.chi-energy-sports.com/chakras.php)