Jesus riding a dinosaur? Is this possible, or is this impossible? According to those who hold creationism as their belief, that Jesus riding a dinosaur or Jesus hugging a babe dinosaur is factually possible, even probable.
We know that creationists maintain literally-understood Bible-based views concerning the Earth, the cosmos and all living creatures that inhabit the world. They firmly believe that the Bible is the words of God that cannot make any mistake in anything they tell us; the Bible, for them, is completely inerrant in anything it records. They maintain that the whole Bible should be understood literally, and that to understand the Bible rightly, one only needs faith in the literal sense of every word of the Bible. This literalist and anti-historicist position results in their idiosyncratic, irrational and insane views concerning the age of the Earth and the time in which dinosaurs lived on earth.
On the basis of their unscientific hermeneutics and literal reading of the text of Genesis 1:24-31 and the Matthean and Lukan genealogies (Matthew 1:1-16; Luke 3:23-38), they claim that Dinosaurs lived together with mankind and that Planet Earth is 6000 years old. They imagine therefore that Jesus riding a dinosaur or that Jesus embracing a young dinosaur is factually probable! Knowing about this perhaps makes your head start spinning!
According to almost all of us as intelligent and sane human beings, that Jesus riding a dinosaur or Jesus cuddling a babe dinosaur is factually impossible because the era of the domination of dinosaurs over Planet Earth had long elapsed before human beings were born from nature to dominate this planet.
Following the ground-breaking study previously conducted by Walter and Luis Alvarez, a panel of 41 scientists from across the globe (Europe, the United States, Mexico, Canada and Japan) on March 4, 2010, reviewed 20 years’ worth of research in this area to try to confirm the cause of the so-called Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT) extinction which created a “hellish environment” around 65 million years ago and wiped out more than half of all species on Planet Earth. These scientists working on the study analyzed the work of paleontologists, geo- and atmospheric chemists, climate modelers, geophysicists and sedimentologists who had been collecting evidence about the KT extinction over the last 20 years.
According to the panel’s conclusion, a giant extraterrestrial asteroid whose width is 15 kilometers (= 9 miles) that smashed into the Earth at Chicxulub (now known as Mexico) is the only plausible explanation for the extinction of the dinosaurs.
This giant asteroid is thought to have hit the Earth with a force a billion times more powerful than the atomic bomb at Hiroshima. This unimaginably powerful collision triggered large-scale fires, earthquakes measuring more than 10 on the Richter scale, continental landslides which created tsunamis. The “final nail in the coffin for the dinosaurs” came when blasted material flew into the atmosphere, shrouding the Planet Earth in extreme darkness, causing a global deathly winter and killing many species that could not adapt to this hellish environment. Geological records show that the event that triggered the dinosaurs’ demise rapidly destroyed marine and land ecosystems. Fossil records clearly show a mass extinction about 65.5 million years ago (a time now known as the K-Pg boundary). This hellish day for dinosaurs that signaled the end of the 160-million-year reign of the dinosaurs also turned out to be a great day for mammals. The KT extinction was a pivotal moment in Earth’s history which ultimately paved the way for humans to become the dominant species on Earth.
If we use science to understand and reconstruct the past, then we should say to creationists that the Jesus riding a dinosaur or hugging a babe dinosaur is the Jesus existing only in their heterodox and insane Christological imagination. They always claim that they are orthodox Christians, though in reality they are not.