Monday, January 31, 2011

The Indonesian Lady of the Sacred Heart

Above is the picture of Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Cœur, “Our Lady of the Sacred Heart”, as it is painted from the Indonesian perspective with the result that Mother Mary is depicted as wearing a batik skirt and a blue kebaya, and a batik shawl hanging from over her shoulder. Standing upright and elegantly, her right hand is holding the sacred heart of her son, Jesus, and her left hand is supporting him. Each of their two heads radiates halo, symbolizing their holiness and divinity. Both are smiling. The blue sky, the white clouds, the yellow and green leaves, and the green grass in the background signify the participation of nature in the sacredness of the lady and her son.  

The second image is a photo of the statue of Mother Mary of Ganjuran, who is taking the kid Jesus on her lap. Both wear the grand dresses of Javanese kings and queens of old. There is a script painted below the statue that reads “Dyah Maria Ibu Ganjuran Nyuwun Pangestu Dalem” which means “Mother Mary of Ganjuran, We are asking your blessing”. Ganjuran is the name of an area, 17 kilometers from Yogyakarta to the south, in which the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is located. Inside the area, you can also find the statue of Jesus Christ portrayed as the Javanese mighty king of old, which is placed within one niche of the Ganjuran temple.