The impressive picture above is created by Peter Grahame in 2005, and he entitled it Inner Flame. According to Grahame, within every body is a sacred heart. One may rightly think that Grahame was inspired by the Sacred Heart of Jesus when he created this picture, and the long-haired, nude man with a flame piercing externally from within his heart on this picture can of course be deemed as Jesus Christ. The tip of the flame is sharp as though it was the tip of a sword appearing painfully from within the man's chest. The suffering of Jesus is thus depicted as well on this image. I am convinced for you the picture above speaks more than I could tell at this moment.

Everybody could unavoidably see that a pair of flame on the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the second picture above is in par with the flame on the first picture. Catholics believe that in the Sacred Heart of Jesus sinners shall find the source of infinite ocean of mercy. But the flame radiating from the Sacred Heart of Jesus can also be symbolically viewed as the divine emanation directed to humanity so as to make it the house of divinity. The sacred and divine light is housed within everybody’s mind and heart. You, not only Jesus, are Christ as well, that is, as you are filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesian 3:19).